I started this whole project as a true ‘labour of love’. Over the next few years, I learned an enormous amount of things not just about goalkeeping in different sports but also things like self-publishing, marketing and more.
I published the book independently, without the financial support but also constraints of a professional publisher. As I look at the sales of the book in both paperback and e-book, I have reached my goal of simply covering all costs of publishing and promotion.
This means I am delighted to offer a free e-book version of ‘The Love of Goalkeeping: Many Sports, One Love’. You can still of course buy the book in either paperback or e-book for any of the major platforms but if you just want a full copy to look into – it’s yours!
Rather than mainly sold, this book was written to be read and shared. You are free and encouraged to do so, far and wide.
Thank you for your support. And as every author will tell you – I would love to hear back what you think of it.